It's time to champion health system resilience


Leon Wang, Executive Vice President, International

This article was originally published on Devex, (

澳门葡京赌博游戏都目睹了2019冠状病毒病大流行以前所未有的规模对生活和生计造成的破坏性影响, and with repercussions that will last for many years to come.

COVID-19的出现对澳门葡京赌博游戏的卫生系统进行了超出其极限的考验,暴露了卫生服务中长期存在的断层. 然而,在澳门葡京赌博游戏继续努力战胜这一大流行病的同时,澳门葡京赌博游戏也必须展望未来.

The need for health care reforms has never been more pressing. 澳门葡京赌博游戏需要确保卫生系统能够承受未来的压力,并确保所有社区都能公平获得卫生保健, 特别是如果澳门葡京赌博游戏要解决无声的非传染性疾病大流行问题,.

在这个Devex Prescription for Progress的虚拟对话中,听Leon Wang讨论新兴经济体面向未来的卫生系统

尽管全球卫生保健发展因大流行而加速, NCDs such as diabetes, chronic lung illnesses, cancer, and heart disease remain the world’s biggest killers. NCDs kill 41 million people each year, equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally. 这些疾病对低收入和中等收入国家(LMICs)的影响尤为严重,全球四分之三以上的非传染性疾病死亡发生在这些国家,患者的预后受到卫生保健提供不平等的严重影响.

中低收入国家的基础设施已经远远超出其能力,并将所有可用资源投入到抗击COVID-19中, the essential delivery of routine care has been the victim, 导致非传染性疾病的诊断较晚,从而导致危及生命的健康后果.

要建设更具复原力并能够在危机期间继续提供常规保健的卫生系统,就需要找到预防疾病的创新方法, diagnose patients earlier, and address them more effectively at home and outside clinics. 澳门葡京赌博游戏现在必须发挥集体能力,为非传染性疾病建立抵御力.

Can technology future-proof health systems?

Over the past few years, 澳门葡京赌博游戏看到,许多国家越来越多地使用技术和数字解决方案,以帮助向患者提供更好的护理并改善健康结果, as well as reduce the environmental footprint of health care. This is sustainable care in action. By leveraging mhealth consultations during the pandemic, 病人不必去诊所,可以虚拟地获得医疗专业知识. Beyond COVID-19, 数字医疗的快速发展令人非常兴奋,澳门葡京赌博游戏对它在早期诊断方面带来的可能性持乐观态度, 对患者进行实时监测,防止病情恶化,并通过为患者的医疗保健旅程提供个性化方法,使患者能够更好地控制他们的治疗.

As part of our Health Innovation Hubs network澳门葡京赌博游戏与世界各地的科技公司(包括许多中低收入国家)合作,将创新和数字化主导的方法带入生活,以改善包括临床试验在内的医疗保健服务. By leveraging digital technologies, 澳门葡京赌博游戏使患者能够找到并参与试验,然后从家中远程提供数据,以主动监测和帮助管理他们的病情.

这个领域代表着对澳门葡京赌博游戏的科学产生有意义影响的机会, medicines, and society is the use of artificial intelligence, or AI. 数据科学和人工智能使澳门葡京赌博游戏能够以比人类更快的速度分析和解释大量数据——也许更重要的是, to do so more accurately.

In addition to giving us a greater understanding of diseases, AI systems also help us design smarter trials, match patients with the right clinical trials, 并在提供药品或疫苗时帮助澳门葡京赌博游戏改善供应链. 澳门葡京赌博游戏使用人工智能的另一种方式是通过与quure的合作来解释放射学图像.ai, a developer of deep learning algorithms. 它还允许在拉丁美洲的患者中早期发现肺癌, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. By integrating this technology at primary care clinics, 澳门葡京赌博游戏希望能更快地诊断出肺癌,并显著降低肺癌死亡率.

What’s next?

COVID-19痛苦地表明,需要加强卫生公平,共同致力于在大流行之后改善人口健康. Driving policy change is key, 对患者和低收入和中等收入国家社区的教育和赋权同样至关重要. I’m very proud of the Young Health Programme we have set up at AstraZeneca together with UNICEF, 国际计划和其他组织帮助教育年轻人预防疾病, with a special focus on NCDs. Since its start in 2010, this programme 在六大洲30个国家向数百万人提供健康信息, training over 250,000 peer educators and health care workers.

Such programmes are really making a difference, but we need businesses, governments, academia, 全球卫生组织和企业家推动集体行动,以解决非传染性疾病负担. 只有这样,澳门葡京赌博游戏才能实现必要的可持续卫生系统和有利于人民健康的公平获取, society, and our planet — now and for generations to come.


  • Sustainability